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Revelation of a Revelation

I had the opportunity to be drowned in a sea of 'revelatory bliss' with author and speaker Chris Carter this weekend. Before his final session Sunday evening, I was challenged with a question on a bible passage. While my answer did not seem to appease the person, I was informed that a revelation had been given -- a very good one at that; one that I didn't have.

I was then asked to re read the passage and see if I got the same revelation. I re read it, and to my surprise, I got a different revelation. Who is right? Both are right!

The 'Revelation of a Revelation' is that my revelation and your revelation of the same passage creates a greater depth of God's word in our spirit -- a richness, a fullness that is complimented -- like chocolate and whip cream... Chocolate is NOT whip cream RIGHT??? but they go together in perfect bliss!

I am going to herald the words that has been herald to me. HONOR ONE ANOTHER!!!!

When I honor your revelation and you honor mine, then the Word of God is made more and more complete. Does that mean you have to agree with me? WELL, you can only agree when the SPIRIT and the WORD are married. Today we may not agree, but that doesn't mean that our revelations are wrong. God wants us to complement each other.

When you find that someone's revelation goes against your understanding -- HONOR that person anyway. DO NOT critique, condemn or argue with them. TAKE NOTES, SEEK the Lord and pray! FIND A COMMON ground, and in time the revelations will be perfected!

Blessings Shalom

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