Spirit Unlimited, Int'l
Come see Jesus Face to Face!
For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God,
for God gives the Spirit without limit (John 3:34)
Training the body of Christ to step beyond the veil to experience the supernatural realm
that we were created to live in!
Dr. Amy LaVon McMillan
Author and Speaker
to where the
Spirit is Unlimited!
In 2013, I was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and given the commission to walk in Apostolic authority and preach the Kingdom of God from Heaven's perspective. It's my passion to guide you, beyond the veil, to operate in the 'full measure' of authority that Jesus intended. As you follow my teachings, I pray that you, too, will experience the same radical supernatural experiences with a greater outcome. -Dr. Amy

INVITE Dr. Amy McMillan to speak at your church,
women's ministry, conferences or other events.

Bringing forth God’s Word from a heavenly perspective, Dr. Amy McMillan (Dmin) will challenge you to engage in God’s Spiritual Kingdom to live the abundant ‘SUPER’ NATURAL life that you were created to live in. Her teachings include but are not limited to: Treasuring the Secret Place (Isa 45:3) Training your spiritual senses (Heb 5:14), Appropriating the gift of discerning spirits for complete deliverance (1 Cor 2:14), Understanding weapons of warfare (2 Cor 10:4), and Petitioning the Courts of Heaven (Zech 3:6).